Block of Jamon Iberico (500gr)

$ 135.00

19 in stock

   A delicious, convenient cube of Jamon Iberico
ure-bred Iberian leg ham
   Cured for 26 to 36 months
500 gram sealed portion
   Easy to slice (with a sharp knife)
Produced by the award winning Beher
   Can be delivered, chilled to your door!

SKU: BEHER500TACO Category:

This 500gram block is ready to slice and dice!

Jamon Iberico produced by Beher

  Beher is one of Spain's finest brands
  Acorn and pasture fed, free range, 100% Ibérico
  Size - Approx. 500 grams
  The best way to indulge yourself
  A delicious and original gift

Jamón Ibérico, the incredible cured ham made from free-range, acorn and pasture-fed pork, is the ultimate of its kind. Cured for over two years, thin slices of this delectable ham glisten with beneficial fats that are the key to its profound, complex flavor.

Beher is well known as an superior brand of Ibérico ham.

Beher use only 100% genetically pure bred Ibérico pigs that live their entire lives roaming the countryside of Spain. Other companies will cross breed Ibérico pigs with other breeds to increase the litter size and raw meat production. Beher prefer to use only 100% pure Ibérico even though it’s more expensive.

The hams come from an ancient breed of pig, Cerdo Ibérico, which has been roaming the woodland meadows of western Spain feeding on acorns for thousands of years. Jamón Ibérico de Bellota is the pride of Spain, and Spaniards consume the vast majority of the limited number of hams produced in their own country.

Each fall, a traditional group of breeders sets aside a select group of young pigs, allowing them to roam the dehesa woodlands. There they feast upon acorns which are falling in abundance from the holm oak and cork trees. They feast on these ‘bellotas’ (Spanish for acorn) themselves, putting on at least two pounds of weight each day!

These genetically unique animals produce Jamón Ibérico de Bellota hams that are marbled with rich golden fat infused with the flavor of the sweet bellota acorns. Remarkably, a good portion of which is mono-unsaturated, similar to healthy olive oil. Sliced paper-thin, it glistens at room temperature and provides an inimitable rich nutty flavor and tender texture.

Trozo de jamón completamente limpio y aprovechable al 100%. Obtenido de jamones procedentes Cerdo Ibérico, alimentado en libertad en nuestras granjas a base de la mejor selección de cereales hasta alcanzar unos 170 Kg. Después de un esmerado cuidado natural de entre 26 y 30 meses, dan como resultado una pieza larga y estilizada (80-90 cm.) de caña fina (indicativo de la pureza de la raza y de su estancia en el campo durante toda su cria) con una grasa externa de tonos dorados que denotan su alimentación natural.

Muy recomendable para hacer lonchas o taquitos al gusto para añadir a sus guisos, que adquirirán un aroma y sabor únicos.

Suave al corte y rojizo (cereza) a la vista con infiltraciones de grasa, nuestras piezas desprenden un "flavor" (aroma característico) que en boca tiende al dulce y deja como resto un retrogusto de suave rancidez, propio de su permanencia en bodegas naturales. Un placer en todos los sentidos.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg